(This card is a placeholder for Sunday6)

This back side of a playing card is used to maintain the calendar format.   I’ve forgotten the value and suite of the face.   It was added to the array of this piece to echo the idea of random distribution.   The card with its face turned and, thus, its value concealed may be imagined to be any value within a deck.   It may be any value but its value must be one of the regular values found in a deck of playing cards.   It cannot be, for example, an oak tree.   It could be a five of hearts.   In fact it could be one of 55 possible cards (52 playing cards, 2 jokers and one advertisement card.)   It is a negative image from several perspectives.   The backs of playing cards are designed to give no information about the face value of these cards.  It is represented in the negative because as a placeholder it fills the slot ordained for a Sunday but it does not represent a Sunday.   It simply occupies a space that permits the calendar to list February 29th and March 1st on separate sequential lines.
.                    There is no date associated with this card.   Its position is column that would indicate a Sunday.


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