
p = 3.1415926538979323846264338327950288419716939937510…who will know if this is right?

            Pi (p), of course, is a transcendental number, an irrational number.   While in high school (Lakeland Regional High School,) Mark Johnson8, Allen Hoch (now, both deceased.) and I decided to memorize the sequential digits of pi.   Our goal was encourage each other to memorize more and more of the infinite series of digits.   We would recite the digits in unison until one of us could carry on after the others had faltered.   He would be the winner of that round.   We would each head home to add a few more digits to our arsenals.   I have no idea what purpose this contest served, except for some bonding between adolescent boys.   Maybe it reflected a unique choice of memory development.   Whatever its purpose, I am the last vestige of this exercise.   This card is a lament for my lost friends; a memorial token.
8.             Mark Johnson and Allen Hoch are mentioned on the card for 2/21/96

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